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Anguilla Hotel Guide...
Shoal Bay East (Lower)


The red dot (below) is Shoal Bay East (Lower).

(Click on map to pop up a higher-scale local version.)

Map Shoal Bay

Shoal Bay is famous for its upper half. That is the side that is commonly photographed and put in magazines. The quieter half, the lower half, is equally, if not more beautiful, though.

Here, it is quiet, there are no large hotels or beach bars. Just peace and serenity.

Madeariman Beach Club

Madeariman Beach Club is no longer open. A new development is replacing it.

Madeariman Shoal Bay

Price: $$

Size: Small

Location: Western end of the beach.

Description: Madeariman Beach Club offers comfortable, clean units right on the beach, complete with their very own beach bar.

Alternatives to (Lower) Shoal Bay Hotels

› Shoal Bay East (Lower) Hotels

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