Combing Anguilla's Beaches for the Best
Anguilla Beach Lovers brings you the latest additions to one family's experiences of the "best of all things Anguillian." If you like this e-zine <>, please do a friend and me a big favor and "pay it forward." If a friend did forward this to you and if you like what you read, please subscribe by visiting...
Anguilla Beach Lovers
Issue #7, February 2003 Good news! My article, "Top 10 Things for a Teen to Do in Anguilla", has been published in the latest edition of Anguilla Life magazine! Thank you to the superb editor of Anguilla Life - Claire!
If you get a chance, please check it out. If not, I'll scan it and put it up on the site later on!
It has been a month! I had all my exams, so Web-building lagged a bit, only able to make two this month.
I'm running low on ideas, but luckily we are returning to Anguilla for 10 days in March... so I'll have a whole bunch more to talk about! New for this month... 1)Anguilla Stars Seeing as how Doug was in Anguilla with the stars in December, I chose to do a page just on this! Including an exclusive photo of Doug with all the stars on Barnes Bay! Please click here to visit... 2)Anguilla vs. Beaches.com When my Dad told me that some visitors to my site accidently find me when they search for beaches.com, I was confused. As you'll see, Anguilla and beaches.com could not be more different. Please click here to visit... Well, I'm getting excited, ready to visit our "home away from home" and share the best of it with you -- hope my Dad doesn't drive us off a cliff, though!
Please click here to visit Anguilla Beaches Home Page...
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