Ahhh... Anguilla Carnival. Local music competitions... boatraces... beauty pageants... calypso and soca competitions... and village fairs!
It all takes place during Anguilla's Carnival in August.
The Anguilla Summer Festival Experience
It all begins with...
August Monday
Carnival's festivities really begin on August Monday with J'Ouvert, a pre-dawn street party where revelers take to the streets in the wee hours of the early morning.
Covered in paint, chalk and colorful costumes, partiers then make their way to Sandy Ground for the day's main 'day-time' event, the August Monday boatraces. There are competitions for both A & B Class Boats. It's a big day for locals and for the Summer Festival in general.
Anguilla's Colorful Parade of Troupes
The race is followed by a beach party at Sandy Ground. Local and international music acts take to the stage to entertain the fete-loving masses.
Revelers party hard until the early hours of the next morning. And if you think just one day of intense partying was enough to floor you for a week, hold on, there's more!
That's right, there is a party for each day of the first full week in August...
The end of Anguilla Carnival marks the real slow-down of Anguilla's off season. Once Carnival is over and food tents have been put away, and visiting boats have pulled anchor and returned home, the island quiets right down.
Several hotels and restaurants stay open throughout August, but many close for a couple of months starting right after Carnival.
Read more on Anguilla's off season.
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Guide to vacationing in Anguilla
Guide to weekly Anguilla events.
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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