Jan/2005 Update:
Anguilla-Beaches.com visitor Susanne Thevenet, from Virginia, U.S.A., wrote to update me on "the rumor of Captain's Bay"...
The Captains Bay property was rented out last Xmas (2003) for $70,000 for the week to someone who made a fortune in aviation. THis from the wife of the couple that owns Le Bon Pan in ISland Harbor (Philippe, the husband, did the baking for the party).
I enjoy your "zine," Nori.
Susanne Thevenet
Arlington, VA
On a fact-checking mission for this interesting twist, I wrote to Jackie Pascher (our real estate agent) for confirmation. She wrote back...
This is mostly correct information. The villa is actually owned by
Senator Brooks' daughter, Ramie, although it is entirely possible that "Mom &
Dad" contributed funds to the project.
Happy New Year,
If you have any information on Anguilla land, please click here to share the Anguilla news!
More Info: See Brad Pitt Web page
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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