Welcome to my "personal favorite," Barnes Bay Beach. Barnes Bay is secluded, unknown even to many islanders. An Anguilla real estate gem, options are limited and high-end.
Let's see where we are...
Take the mansions of Beverly Hills. Place them on Malibu Beach. Now move it all to Anguilla.
Barnes Bay
Unlike Anguilla's other beaches which generally only have one or two really spectacular mansions, Barnes Bay is bursting with voluminous villas!
For example, one winter Robin Williams, Robert DeNiro and Billy Crystal were all neighbors on Barnes Bay.
Want to see where they stayed? Here are some photos from the boat...
DeNiro's Choice
Owned By A Boston Developer
Robin Williams' Choice
The Cerulean
Billy Crystal's Hidden Choice
Les Alize
Now don't get me wrong, those Anguilla mansions are spectacular! Earth-shattering! Straight from Southern California!
But, it gets better. There's one more...
A mansion that wasn't completed that year when the "whole troupe" was on Barnes Bay. But had it been, they all would have fought over it. Let me show you what I mean...
Now that's a mansion.
Rounding out the extraordinary villas is the ultra high end luxury resort, Four Seasons Anguilla. Four Seasons straddles both Barnes Bay and Meads Bay, with its glamorous 5 bedroom villas gracing the shores of Barnes Bay. This resort truly tops off Barnes Bay, completing a beach already dotted with the most luxurious Anguilla villas.
Villa at Four Seasons Anguilla
The beach is pretty congested, without much room for real estate availability right on the beach.
But with beautiful views and sunsets like this...
... well, it might just be worthwhile to investigate and see if there are any empty lots on the beach or further inland.
You can have a closer look at Barnes Bay by watching this video...
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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