Hi, I'm Yuki, Nori's younger sister. This is a photo of me drawing in the sand near my (new) favorite Anguilla villa.
You've seen me with the family during other trips to Anguilla. In August 2005, my Dad and I took a special trip to Anguilla alone.
We went to buy land.
We did more than just purchase some Anguilla real estate. We discovered a wonderful new Anguilla villa.
Before I tell you about that, though, here's another discovery from that trip (this time about an Anguilla condo), along with a photo of my Dad and me.
OK, back to my story about this most magnificent of Anguilla villas.
We had just returned from a 5-week vacation in Italy. This was Nori's choice, to celebrate her high school graduation. (I think I'll choose Paris.)
While on that vacation, my Dad completed arrangements to visit the land he was going to buy. But he had to hurry because oceanfront property in Anguilla is hard to find and disappears fast.
My dad had forgot to book an Anguilla villa. After returning home from Italy, he spent time catching up on work. The day before we were going to leave, he realized that we still didn't know where we were going to stay!
He decided that we should go all out and stay in a luxury villa.
So, my dad called up our favorite real estate agent, Jackie Pascher. She called back, though, to tell us that all of her luxury villas were booked solid for Carnival Week.
Then we got lucky. My Dad found out that his good friend, Doug, who has a villa in Barnes Bay, was not on the island, and that it was available. This had been our first Anguilla villa experience.
And then, the second piece of good luck! My Dad had researched the Net and sent an e-mail to the owner of the BeachCourt Villa in East Shoal Bay, not really expecting a reply on such short notice.
He replied within hours and apologized, saying that he had only the last night available.
"What fun! Let's take it."
What a trip... 4 days, 3 nights, 2 villas and 1 piece of land!
After an early morning of "wave tumbling" with some friends (watch out for sand burns) on our last day in Barnes Bay, my Dad and I set out to find BeachCourt Villa. We figured it out pretty easily...
Drive down the road to East Shoal Bay Beach. As you start to approach Uncle Ernie's, take a left at a little dirt road (instead of a right turn on the newly paved road towards Tortue Villa).
It's just past the Thai House. Turn right into the driveway at the BeachCourt Villa sign. You'll meet Janine Edwards, who manages the villa and who will give you the key to open the motorized gate!
The first thing we noticed? The view! Spectacular!
Janine Edwards welcomed us and started the tour...
The Entrance
What a start. The staircase invites you to the "Great Room," then the pool and finally the ocean in the background!
Janine explained that Anguillians usually build their homes around a central large master room that provides living, eating and entertaining.
That room is called the "Great Room." But "Great" was too little for this room. "Magnificent" or "Spectacular" would have been more appropriate than "great" for this room! Here are some photos (watch the great views you see from almost every photo)...
The Kitchen
The Dining Area
I was dying to go outside to see the pool, tennis court and the beach. But we headed upstairs to the master bedroom first. Oh the way, Janine showed us an office with high-speed connection for those who bring their laptops to the villa (it should be illegal, though!).
She led us upstairs to two magnificent bedrooms with, yes, spectacular views. I must say that no matter where you are in this villa, you always have a view of the most beautiful beach in the Caribbean, the rhythm of the waves slowing you down to "Caribbean time" (as my Dad says)...
The Master Bedroom
Guess who got the Master bedroom?
One hint.
Not me.
Ha! Ha! It didn't matter.
Because my room, on the same floor, was just as airy with a wonderful view, too.
My Dad really enjoyed reading on that bed, tradewinds blowing in through the sliding doors.
The biggest difference in the two rooms was the outdoor shower in the Master Bedroom, which you reach through an elegant arrangement of closets and bathroom behind the sleeping area...
How luxurious! As you can see, my Dad loved it.
And it had a great view of the Thai house.
(I wonder who lives in there?)
And when we reached my Master Bedroom, wow! Just as luxurious (I didn't really want to shower outside, ha ha!). I couldn't wait to show Nori this photo of my room...
My Master Bedroom
The West Wing
Janine led us next to the West Wing.
No, not the TV show. This villa actually has a "west wing."
You could easily sleep 12 people in a total of 6 bedrooms here! All the bedrooms had extremely efficient air-conditioning. And quiet, too. I love A/C, especially in August. I've never seen my Dad use it, he loves the heat. So we were both happy.
The West Wing has four bedrooms, bathrooms and a kitchenette. Here's a photo of the one of the West Wing bedrooms...
The bedrooms are the same, two on each floor, one above the other.
And yes, all have a great view of the ocean and sound of the sea!
Each bedroom has its own bathroom, naturally...
As I mentioned, the West Wing also had its own kitchenette.
It looked perfect for fixing a late-night snack without waking other couples up in the main villa (if you are sharing).
My Dad remarked how much fun it would be to come back with a bunch of good friends, sharing the price of this magnificent castle by the sea.
Janine told us that the computer office and a room near the tennis court could also become bedrooms, making a possible total of 16 people!.
And finally, after enjoying the views to the East and West from the ocean terrace...
...we were heading to the tennis court and swimming pool!
I could hardly wait to rally with my Dad...
And, with the heat picking up in the late morning, a dip in the pool would soon feel pretty good, too...
But first, Janine led us down a little path to...
The Best Beach On The Caribbean
We had our own little secluded part of Shoal Bay Beach, all to ourselves!
So What Did We Do?
First, I wished we were staying a month!
We wasted no time getting into the pool. As you can see, my Dad trusted me not to drop his camera into the water...
After going out for a bite to eat, my Dad did actually have to complete a few meetings. We were, after all, there to buy some land!
We returned just in time for a glorious sunset (look at the rain squall to the left)...
The Next Morning
My Dad woke in time to catch this sunrise. I certainly hope that he didn't set his alarm for this...
And good news! My Dad only had one meeting on this, our fourth and final day... the signing of the Purchase Agreement at Jackie's office.
So this morning was all ours!
After breakfast, we managed to play a little tennis.
I had not brought running shoes, but the surface was so grass like (without the rocks or bumps), that I played barefoot.
We soon worked up quite a sweat.
And that could (and should) only mean one thing
Yes... The ocean!
We walked along "our" private beach and jumped in and out of the waves.
The little sandy beach had several chairs that were perfect for catching the morning rays.
And next time... we'll watch the sun set from this perfect little spot.
This villa was certainly an excellent way to end an excellent four day trip.
Just ask my Dad...
The Luxury Anguilla Villa Experience
What a time we had. We enjoyed every second of it. My Dad and I can't recommend it enough, if you can afford it. Speaking of which...
How much was this "Villa of the Rich And Famous?"
"Surprisingly reasonable" in the words of you-know-who. The prices are less if you don't need all 6 rooms (but you can divide it among friends if you do!). And, of course, it varies according to the time of the year.
For one bedroom in the summer (off-season), it was only US$750 per night. That gives you the run of the entire place.
The rates range up to $2500 (approx) per night for all 6 bedrooms in the winter. During the winter holiday season, it can run as high as $3700.
But if you divide that among 4-6 couples, say, it's still a great price by Anguilla standards.
To make a reservation or inquire about current rates, e-mail Janine Edwards by using the form below. (Nori does not provide e-mail addresses on Web sites. She uses forms -- this stop spambots from stealing and spamming addresses.)
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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