Curious about Anguilla weather in June?
Everyone will tell you, this is when things heat up. From here on in summer sets in, with temperatures rising slightly throughout the season (rarely going above 90F).
June sees more summer sunshine and still, sparkling-calm waters. If you don't like wave jumping and getting a nose full of sand, Shoal Bay, Meads Bay and Barnes Bay are perfect in summer. The water is almost always like glass.
Average High in June: 88°F
Average Low in June: 78°F
Average Temp. in June: 83°F
Average Rain in June: 2"
This time of year you won't have to share many beaches either (sometimes you will even get Shoal Bay practically to yourself). Anguilla villas and hotels drop their rates, too!
At the same time, restaurants are still open, and although the island is quiet and becoming traveler-free, people are still visiting the island and folks who live on-island haven't taken their vacation time yet.
Really, it's a great time to travel to Anguilla if you love tranquility and warm weather!
Anguilla travel tip: Hot Anguilla weather really calls for breezy tops, pants and dresses.
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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