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Cavendish Beach,
Prince Edward Island, Canada

by Jim Bradley
(Moncton, NB, Canada)

Photo From Flickr.com/Photos/RJproduct

Photo From Flickr.com/Photos/RJproduct

Cavendish Beach is miles and miles of wonderful sand backed with red dunes and no buildings... I've outjumped my three kids and most of my grandkids over those great waves rolling in from the Gulf of St. Lawerence. Well, okay, they were all 6 years old when I challenged them. I can still hear the giggles as we kept jumping...

Jim Bradley

Ps. Cavendish Beach is really quite famous. It is 5 miles from Anne of Green Gables' house.

Nori's Reply: We lived in Canada for nearly two decades and still failed to make it to Cavendish Beach in PEI. My Dad owns a few acres of oceanfront in Nova Scotia, but somehow we never ventured down the coast. The Maritimes are so quaint and untouched, my Dad calls Nova Scotia the "Cape Cod of the 1960s." We love it there. Hopefully someday we can make it to Cavendish Beach. The beautiful beaches, the rich, red earth... Someday! Thank you for sharing. :-)

Comments for Cavendish Beach,
Prince Edward Island, Canada

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Jun 12, 2015
Cavendish Beach
by: Rob

Beautiful beach. Love that red sand.

Mar 09, 2014
Red Sand on PEI.
by: Anne

Thanks R.V. I just couldn't imagine getting all that red sand off. I'm glad there is some white sand. I will go one day. It's just been postponed for a while. Anne 'with an 'e'.

Mar 08, 2014
PEI white sand beaches
by: RV Vagabond

There are both red and white sand beaches there. Beautiful endless beaches and amazing vistas of them from various lookouts. Hope you make it there someday.

Mar 07, 2014
PEI Beaches
by: Anonymous

Have all the beaches on PEI got red sand? I read somewhere that some have white sand. Thanks, Anne Dornay.

Apr 23, 2013
Love PEI beaches
by: Paula Sa

My daughter and I camped there on the beach in PEI years ago but it will always be one or our most memorable vacations. She made an Indian Mermaid of the Sea sand sculpture out of sand, blue mussel and clam shells, Irish moss of various colors, red and green sandstones, and lovely long leaves for the flipper of the tail. It took us nearly the whole two weeks to collect the materials. She was then a great fan of the movie, Under the Sea, and the character Ariel, of course. What a wonderful beach!And the wild fox are amazing!

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