Saving (up to) thousands of dollars and 5-10+ hours of travel time on flights to Anguilla is possible. How?
Use our Cheapest Flight-to-Anguilla Finder (below)!
When searching for the cheapest/most direct flights (at sites such as Expedia, Kayak, Priceline), everyone just naturally enters the code of their destination airport. For example, if you are flying to New York you do not enter "BOS" for Boston.
This is such an obvious habit that most simply enter "AXA" (or "Anguilla") as their destination when looking for flights. However, our airport, Clayton J. Lloyd International Airport, is a small, regional airport that is hard to get to and is not well-integrated into many systems. Routes often involve multiple connections and layovers. The reported cost and time is often more than double than the alternative.
St. Maarten’s Princes Juliana airport (SXM) is a major international hub. Only a few miles away from Anguilla, SXM receives non-stop flights from around the world daily. Best of all, it is a mere "water taxi" (or short air hop) from Anguilla.
We think of it is "our international airport." Depending on your point of origin, you will be pleasantly amazed at the time and dollar savings of entering "SXM" when you plan a trip to Anguilla. And oh yes, you’ll also be treated to one of the most sensational landings in the world!
After our first two trips to Anguilla in 2002, we had completely fallen in love with the island. However, it took us over 16 hours and cost more than $1,000 per person to fly to Anguilla (AXA) from Montreal.
We discovered SXM when searching for faster, cheaper destinations in the Caribbean (yes, we almost gave up on Anguilla). To our surprise, it took only 5 hours on a non-stop flight from Montreal to SXM, at a cost of only $500/person.
At first we worried about how we would get from St. Maarten to Anguilla. We discovered, though, that it was easy. I'll show you how to that a bit further below.
Despite our attempts to publicize this elsewhere on the site, surveys show that the majority of would-be-first-time visitors are unaware of the massive time and dollar savings to be had. I shudder to think of how many people choose another island because of this.
My Dad once wanted to hold a conference here in Anguilla. Feedback was that "it was too hard and expensive to get to Anguilla." He suggested to those people to enter "SXM" instead. The reaction from most was "wow" and it saved the conference! Luckily, my Dad knew "the secret" by then. So please...
Pay this forward and spread the good word about "short-cutting to Anguilla." If you see someone say "too hard, too expensive" in a forum post, refer them to this page. Tell friends who are considering the Caribbean. If you love Anguilla as we do and want to see more of its wonderful people happily employed, help eliminate this needless barrier to the best vacation in the Caribbean.
And so, we introduce...
To find your fastest, cheapest route to Anguilla, simply enter (into the field below) the 3 letter code of the airport from which you are starting. Then follow the simple instructions that will immediately appear below the box.
What Airport Are You Starting From? (Ex., JFK, BOS, LAX, etc.)
NOTE: Actual savings depend on your point of origin. In some cases, flying into AXA actually does make more sense. Most, though, will be amazed at the difference.
How to cut the cost of your trip even more? Use your Anguilla Card!
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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