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Crocus Bay

by Roy Gumbs
(Queens, N.Y. USA)

I was born in the Valley and have very fond memories of Crocus Bay. I was especially pleased to see how they cleaned it up and removed the gravel rocks that would hurt your feet as you entered the water.

The construction of that new Restaurant,'Davida' only enhances one's experience.

The ambience is overwhelming, and the food and service excellent.

Please spread the word about Crocus Bay. I intended to go back to take pictures but my time in Anguilla was too short and I had to return to New York.

Nori's Reply: Roy, if you have any photos of Crocus when you were younger, please scan and upload them. I'd love to see and learn more about one of our favorite beaches.

We're on our way back to New York after 9 days in Anguilla. We saved our last day for a wonderful afternoon at da'Vida.

We ate and drank and swam and sunned. We even took sea kayaks out to Little Bay, rested a while there, floated on the still waters on our backs. Then we got back into our kayaks and headed back to Crocus. Luckily the wind was at our backs on the return trip.

It was a wonderful day.

Thanks so much for writing. Do tell more about Crocus as a boy when you have a chance! :-)

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Jul 04, 2023
crocus bay about 20 years ago
by: Bart and Dennis

We stayed in Crocus bay about 20 years ago in a 2 bedroom apartment behind Roy's place. There was a parrot at the bar, and Roy's place was a friendly bar. Roy, is the parrot still around?

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