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Ebenezer Methodist Church

by Ian Champion
(London, UK)

Visit Jan 2010

Visit Jan 2010

From my notes of 1969:

The nearest Bay to ‘The Lodgings’ is Crocus Bay. To get there one walked or got a lift up Crocus Hill. A church (of which there were many) half way up the hill.

(Note the ‘International Road sign indicating Children crossing). The light coloured band across the road is a drainage ditch, which will destroy any vehicle if you hit them often enough. For this reason they were all marked with large white letters ‘DITCH’ on the road (You can see it faintly in the picture level with the traffic sign).

The house in the far distance with the Red roof is in both pictures even though taken 40 years apart

Ebenezer Methodist Church and Pre-School – Jan 2010

The road on the right to ‘Northside’ was not there in 1969. There was another ‘house’ sited where the road is, similar to the one on the corner where the telegraph pole is, which is currently unoccupied and boarded up ( known by the Met APU as the ‘lodgings’).

Nori's Reply Hello Ian, I love reading historical contributions, but I have a feeling that you may have uploaded the wrong photo?

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Apr 07, 2015
Easter service
by: Visitors from USA

We would like to take a minute to say "thank you" for welcoming us to your Easter Sunday service! We are so blessed to have worshiped with you and to join you in priasing God. The Peace of Christ to the congregation and to all of Anguilla! K&G Brown

Apr 16, 2011
Sunday services
by: Anonymous

Sunday services are at 9AM most mornings. Only one Sunday a month the time may change. Further details can be obtained at the Methodist Church Office, South Hill.[next to the Bethel Church]

Apr 29, 2010
by: Anonymous

Yes, there is Sunday service.

Apr 29, 2010
Anon/Ebenezer Church
by: Anonymous

I may want to visit for Sunday worship this summer. Does it still have Sunday service? If so what time, how long does it last


Apr 04, 2010
The Ebenezer Methodist Church
by: Anonymous

On Coronation Avenue, is the oldest church on the island, built in 1830. This year in July they will celebrate their 180th year anniversary.
The building on the corner of Northside Road and Coronation Avenue that the gentleman referred to was the old Anguillan, a general store that sold provisions, groceries, cloth, shoes, etc. The second floor had guest rooms for rent. My husband Walter Richardson grew up on Roaches Hill and knows many stories about the area, and I have always loved the building. It has been vacant for many years. I am hoping some day it will be restored and not torn down.Does anyone know what the initials stand for in the iron gate?

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