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Horseshoe Bay, Bermuda

by Lorna Gayle
(Lanesboro, Ma, USA)

Horshoe Bay's Sweep of Pink Sand

Horshoe Bay's Sweep of Pink Sand

Horseshoe Bay is a memory of what Bermuda was like long ago. It has lovely pink sand and scrubby bushes beyond the high tide line. It is small as beaches go, framed at either end by craggy rocks, one with a cave underneath.

You can swim out to a little outcrop of rock in the water and perch there looking back at the shore, watching the children and the parents and the family dogs all running in and out of the water, or just floating in the palm of the gentle waves.

Having been born in Bermuda, Horseshoe Bay probably means more to me than most tourists. Yet, I try to keep a sophisticated, world traveller's eye when judging it and it is still one of the loveliest places on earth, particularly at sunset when real Bermudians go to the beach.

The water is 85 plus degrees and the sun is nestling down into the horizon, there isn't much difference between the air and the water around you and its peaceful beyond belief. It is a meditation on beauty and timelessness.

Anguilla, I am sure is very much the same.

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Jun 08, 2009
Ride Up
by: Vel

I love this beach as well. It is so beautiful and clean and there is a cove there that is great for kids.

You can always ride up or down the Hill on the Horseshoe Bay shuttle service. $1.00 and $2.00.
It's a good deal after a day in the sun..

Jan 05, 2008
Pink Sand Of Horseshoe Bay
by: Nori

Lorna, it looks beautiful. Your long-term Bermudian sentiments are the same as those who have been visiting or living in Anguilla for a long time. I guess we always remember the "way it was" with great fondness.

Anguilla, compared to when we first visited just six 6 years ago, has changed so much. And when old-timers tell me there was no electricity a mere 30 years ago and absolutely no tourist industry, it's hard to imagine.

But, as you say, compared to how other Caribbean islands have also grown, many really now way over-developed, Anguilla remains an oasis of peace. You still won't find a single person on most beaches!

Thanks so much for sharing Horseshoe Bay! :-)


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