Never been to Anguilla but after looking at the pictures it looks like a paradise island. I particularly fell in love with the beaches as I would love to swim in the warm blue water, lay down on the white sand and admire the beautiful mountains. These photos are from: https://www.anguilla-beaches.com/anguilla-vacations.html
So Beautiful!
What A Nice View
Would Love to Visit Soon!
Anguilla is one of those places you visit that you never forget. My visit to Anguilla was unlike most people's. I went with my college, Hartwick College, in January 2000, and was completely immersed in the culture for 30 straight days.
The island was still recovering from Hurricane Floyd, so we saw people trying to rebuild what had been lost in the storm. We stayed at the Masara, way out on Katouche Bay. We had a local cook (Urlene was her name) who we helped cook dinner with most nights. We ate, drank and danced at Johnno's and the Pumphouse and other various local spots.
Anguilla School Visit, 2000
Katouche Bay Beauty
Anguilla Schoolchildren: Outdoor classroom!
We toured the Wallblake house. We sat and sketched pictures of the island scenery. We photographed the island people, not just the beautiful beaches (which are, by the way, the most beautiful I have ever seen). I know I will get back to Anguilla one day, for I left a little piece of my heart there.
To confirm that there really WAS a school trip, you may ask Courtney Devonish, the local artist with whom we worked with. He was wonderful to all of us from Hartwick College!
The Only Two In The World
#1: This is Meads Bay at Malliouhana. We first came to Anguilla in 2007 for our Honeymoon and I can't imagine a more perfect place on Earth. You spend most of the time feeling like you are the only two people that exists in what has to be heaven. Then you go into town and find there are people and they are the most loving, giving and humble people you could meet! How could you not be in love with Anguilla!
It's Real... It's Anguilla
#2: The view from what used to be Banana's. Everyone always thinks this photo is fake and I say... nah, that's just Anguilla! The beaches, the sand, the water, the people, the plants, the food... oh the food... everything in Anguilla is perfection. My heart skips a beat just thinking about being there.
In His Eyes
#3: The most difficult decision we have to make in Anguilla is whether to stare longingly into each others eyes or take in the beautiful Anguilla around us... this photo was a moment where I had the chance to do both! This was at Tasty's, right before we enjoyed some steaming hot Johnny Cakes! Yummm!
Anguilla Always Feels Like Home
#1: Anguilla Cottage and Goat When we see this cottage it always feels like home. Anguilla restores our souls.
Anguilla: our view of Paradise
#2: Our view of paradise on Shoal Bay West The views are always different but always make us feel the same - we love Anguilla.
Anguilla: the beaches, the people, the views
#3: Fishing on Rendezvous Bay with Young Boy It's the beaches AND the people that make us love Anguilla.
Captured Sunset
First photo is my son "capturing" the sunset on Meads Bay Beach. Great night, thought it was a cool photo.
Welcome to Anguilla
Second picture is one of the island's typical colorful homes, can't remember exactly where it is.
Sailing to Paradise
The third photo is again taken from Meads Bay. Some day trippers are calling it a day. I guess you can tell I love sunsets.
Meads Bay Beach in Anguilla is most definitely Paradise on Earth! The crystal clear, turquoise water and sugary sand... the gorgeous rainbow skies, clouds, and sunsets... the crisp breezes through the palm trees... the cooling shadows on the sand.
These all add up to the most beautiful beach on earth – on the most glorious island in the world - Anguilla! We love walking the beach and looking for unusual colors, shapes, shadows, and compositions... then snapping the photos to capture the moment so that we can always remember our times on Meads Bay Beach.
Anguilla is my happy place, where the stress just melts away and I feel revived and at peace. I love the beaches, the funky little beach bars, the amazing restaurants... but most of all the people of Anguilla... they are truly special people... proud of their island... friendly and welcoming... many of them now my friends that I look forward to seeing every year.
Pure Bliss
1. This picture was taken in April 2012 on the west end of Long Bay. I sat here for several hours watching the waves crash against the coral, the occasional pelican diving for fish and boats sailing by... not one other person on the beach the entire time. Such a peaceful setting... a perfect place to reflect.
Feels Like Home
2. I always loved this traditional West Indian style home. It reminds me of the simpler times in Anguilla. On this day, a storm had just passed and the sun started to come through and just lit up the house. I love the way it looked against the storm clouds.
Sandy Island
3. This picture of Sandy Island was taken in 2009 when I brought my daughter to Anguilla for the first time. I loved showing her the island that I had been talking about for so many years. She finally understood my obsession and we had the time of our lives.
Goats of Anguilla
*Image 1: During my trip to Anguilla, I was staying at a home near Shoal Bay. These goats would oftentimes sit on a pile of rocks that were at the end of the road, leading up to the house.
It seemed like every time I saw them I either didn't have my camera, or they would quickly run away when I did have it and would try to take a picture. On one of my last days there, I was determined to get a shot of them.
Not only were they beautiful, but also they were a perfect representation of Anguilla (Anyone that has been knows what I mean!!). I crept up VERY quietly, and managed to get this shot before they were off and running into the bushes.
Our Little Secret
*Image 2: I never would have found this private little beach, if it weren't for one of the locals that I became friends with during my trip. The few times we went, we were the only 2 on the beach!
I'm not even sure what it's called, but I know it's very close to Blowing Point. Although you can't see it in this particular picture, it's got a really beautiful view of St. Martin. After a fun day of snorkeling, I took this picture just as the sun was starting to come down.
1, 2, 3... JUMP!
*Image 3: I never did work up the courage to climb and jump off of the rocks at Little Bay... but here is a picture I took of 2 of my friends who were brave enough to do it over and over again. It was pretty incredible to watch. Every time I look at this picture, I regret not trying it. If I ever get back to the island, it's going to be one of the first things I do!
What's happening? Absolutely nothing. My daughter first joined us in Anguilla when she was just 15. I will never forget how she and her friends instantly fell in love with the island as much as I was.
Path to Happiness
Doing Nothing
It was a day trip from St. Maarten to Shoal Bay that turned into an overnight stay because we simply could not pull ourselves away. The first picture is the pathway from behind Gwen's leading to the beach at Upper Shoal Bay. It was her first glimpse of Anguilla's beautiful white sand and turquoise water. This is a memory that will stay with me forever. The hammock picture was a few years later.
It was hard to believe we could actually slow these ladies down enough to relax and enjoy the beautiful, peacefulness that is Anguilla. Gwen's hammocks are the quintessential Anguilla experience. Just doing nothing. Eventually the need to stretch our legs kicked in and we took my favorite walk around the bend to the other end of Shoal Bay. Here is my idea of the perfect beach, the perfect anywhere!
Anguilla to us is the most Wonderful Place on Earth! Beautiful Beaches, Great food, but most importantly Wonderful People! Truly Heaven on Earth! We want to visit new islands and see more of the Caribbean, but no place compares to Anguilla! Looking at these pictures warms my heart because of the memories associated with them! Time stands still for me!
Daddy and Son pondering Life on Renezvous Bay Beach
Hanging at Meads Bay
Our home away from Home Cuisinart
Anguilla is an island of love and romantic moments. We fell in love with the island and each other. Everything is romantic on this island, from the beaches to restaurants. Not to mention, the people of Anguilla are the most friendly on earth.
Share the experience with some special. You deserve it! We These photos are taken on one of the most beautiful beaches from the world, Shoal Bay.
Lovely dinner on the beautiful beach Shoal Bay
My wife is in love with Anguilla and me...
Romance on the beach
How can I put into words how much this place means to me?... Or describe how it makes me feel?
It's not just the tranquil crystal water or the baby powder sand that sets it above the rest. It's the bond this paradise creates between those lucky enough to have journeyed to this perfect island.
The time I've spent on Anguilla with my family is branded in my brain forever, and will be re-lived over and over until we hopefully can go again!
My two favorite things...
I spent a fantastic week in Anguilla over Christmas 2010.
The photos are of big surf crashing at Captain's Bay Beach, body surfhing at Shoal Bay Beach, and a nice sunset taken from Little Bay beach. These are the most picturesque beaches I've ever seen. I hope to return one day.
Captain's Bay
Shoal Bay
Little Bay
Photos were taken on a Canon S90.
Click here to read Gregory's report on his trip to Anguilla.
If home is where the heart is, then I know I have a home in Anguilla. While I saw many, many breathtaking beaches, sunsets and, even a few sunrises, these are the pictures that most accurately describe my love of Anguilla.
A Caribbean Home
Picture #1 is of a small house on the West end of the island. It is featured on postcards with a goat in the foreground and when you see it in real life, there usually is one! To me this would be the ideal in simple, uncluttered, island life.
Locals on the Rock
Picture #2 was taken from a friends fishing boat, while watching the May regatta local races. As we rounded the South, St. Maarten side, around to the West, there on the Western tip was one hundred or so Anguillians, cheering on the local boats. It was a moment of sheer joy, being able to enjoy the local sport, with the locals.
Go in the Sea
Picture #3 was a risky undertaking at Meads bay, when I decided to take my camera in the water with me to get the shot. When I look at I immediately remember how much I love the sea. If anything is ailing you, an Anguillian will tell you you to "go in the sea".
Between the cooling salt water, the rhythmically hypnotizing waves, and the heart stopping teal-blue color, I think they may be right; this water could cure anything.
My husband and I have been to Anguilla about 10 times. We have brought our kids to Moonsplash, and have celebrated Christmas there.
When I go, I always see a chance to think-out-of-the-box; when it comes to taking photos.
Anguilla is an easy place to to be behind the lens, because there is so much beauty and color all around. It is simple yet complex.
Shoal Bay Drink
Da Vida Lunch
Anguilla Life...
When comprising my selections for this contest, I chose images which showed a different and less seen side of Anguilla, its soul!
Native Greeting
Heartbeat of Anguilla
Blessed Island
Tranquility Beach
(Luxury Hotel & Residences)
Long Bay Villas:
The Ultra-Luxury Villas
Sky, Sea & Sand
Santosha Villa Estate:
Anguilla's Most Sophisticated
Ultra-Luxury Villa
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